
Research Programme: Integrated Energy 

Supported By: Robert Gordon University  

Funder/Sponsor: The Scottish Government 

Project Status: In Progress 


The Hy-One project has been developed through funding awarded to Robert Gordon University from the Scottish Government as part of the Hydrogen Innovation Scheme, designed to support the development of renewable hydrogen technologies needed to support the Scottish Government’s ambition of 5GW installed hydrogen production capacity by 2030. The testing facility, Hy-One, which will be established at the NSC, is a comprehensive one-stop hydrogen storage testing facility, providing plug-and-play testing and demonstrations for hydrogen storage systems and prototypes. The facility will support the development, demonstration and implementation of small-to-large-scale compressed hydrogen storage vessels and their accessories.


Certification, evaluation and qualification of hydrogen storage systems and accessories is a sophisticated exercise that is currently a bottleneck in accelerating versatile hydrogen storage at both large- and small-scale needs. This is specifically limiting for gas storage capability at large scale requirements to match desired high production and supply for the hydrogen economy.

Real-World Impact

The Hy-One project will directly impact Scotland’s increasing production of green hydrogen and will enhance renewable energy and zero carbon production. The project will help fast-track the availability of local testing and support services on storage materials, accessories and products to acceptable industrial standards. As a result of this, research and development costs will be lower and design time to commercialisation routes will shorten. Additionally, it is hoped that the certification process will provide third-party confidence in quality assurance of the tested components while also supporting academic research, job creation and training on green hydrogen.