Spotlight: Supporting Offshore Wind Production Through Hydrogen Production and Storage

Monday 15th January 2024

Hydrogen production and storage play a crucial role in supporting offshore wind production, offering a promising solution to address the intermittency and variability of renewable energy sources such as wind power. Offshore wind farms often face challenges in maintaining a consistent energy output due to the unpredictable nature of wind patterns and variable levels of energy demand. Hydrogen emerges as a key player in the quest for sustainable energy by serving as a versatile and efficient energy carrier and means of storage.  

One of the most promising methods for hydrogen production in the context of offshore wind is electrolysis, which involves using electricity generated by wind turbines to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Electrolysers can be strategically located near offshore wind farms, converting excess electricity during periods of high wind generation into hydrogen. This hydrogen can then be stored and utilised later when the wind is not blowing, ensuring a continuous and reliable energy supply. 

The storage of hydrogen is a critical component of this integrated system. Hydrogen can be stored in various forms, including compressed gas or liquid hydrogen, providing flexibility and adaptability to different offshore environments. Moreover, hydrogen storage can serve as a valuable mechanism for balancing supply and demand, effectively smoothing out fluctuations in wind power output. By acting as an energy buffer, hydrogen storage systems enable a more stable and resilient offshore wind energy infrastructure. 

The use of hydrogen in conjunction with offshore wind production not only addresses the intermittency challenge, but also opens avenues for decarbonising other sectors. Hydrogen can serve as a clean fuel for various applications such as transportation, industry and power generation, contributing to the overall transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon energy landscape. The synergy between offshore wind, hydrogen production and storage represents a holistic approach to harnessing renewable energy sources, fostering a more resilient and environmentally friendly energy ecosystem. 

Hydrogen Storage Research at the NSC & RGU 

With robust capabilities and diverse expertise, there is significant collaborative support for hydrogen storage research across the NSC and RGU. As a result of this, the two organisations have joined forces to establish Scotland's very first Hydrogen Testing Facility, Hy-One. Funded by the Scottish Government through the Emerging Energy Technologies Fund (EETF), Hy-One is a comprehensive one-stop hydrogen storage testing facility, providing plug-and-play testing and demonstrations for hydrogen storage systems and prototypes. Hy-One will support the development, demonstration and implementation of small-to-large-scale compressed hydrogen storage vessels and their accessories to support the increased hydrogen production levels in Scotland and the rest of the UK. The project will involve supporting prototype and concept development, technical reporting, storage vessel testing and provide support to organisations in the certification process of vessels and accessories. 

FAQ: Hydrogen and Offshore Wind  

How does hydrogen storage enhance grid stability in offshore wind farms? 

Hydrogen storage provides a dispatchable energy source, smoothing out fluctuations in energy supply and demand. Integrating hydrogen production and storage with offshore wind helps enhance grid stability by providing a reliable and dispatchable energy source. This research can contribute to the development of smart grid systems that efficiently manage the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources. 

What are the environmental benefits of using hydrogen produced from offshore wind? 

Hydrogen from offshore wind is a clean fuel, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promoting environmental sustainability. The use of hydrogen as a clean fuel can replace conventional fossil fuels in various sectors, leading to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly energy mix. It reduces dependence on finite fossil fuels and mitigates geopolitical risks associated with traditional energy sources. 

What are the economic implications of incorporating hydrogen production and storage in offshore wind projects? 

The development of hydrogen-related technologies creates economic opportunities, including job creation and the growth of a new sector in the energy industry. As the demand for clean energy solutions increases, there is potential for the emergence of a robust hydrogen economy. 

To discover more about our projects and expertise around hydrogen, view our dedicated Integrated Energy page or get in-touch to discuss any collaborative projects via our Contact Us page.